Research Partners

We would like to thank the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation for their generous support and funding in our initiative to develop new methods to produce plant-based renewable polymers. The work we do would not be possible without the continued support of these organizations.

The US Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Program Office works with its 13 program offices throughout DOE to help support certain small businesses conduct R&D deemed relevant to the program missions, as well as the Department’s. Covering topics ranging from Energy Production to Environmental Management, the DOE SBIR fund helps take companies from concept, through to prototype & commercialization with the goal of promoting scientific excellence and technological innovation to help build a strong national economy.
Focusing on high-risk, high-impact technology, America’s Seed Fund has been used by NSF to help support development by awarding $200 million in funding each year to startups and small businesses across the country. This fund helps to take companies all the way from concept to market. We are proud to have had their support in the past, and hope our research continues to garner their support for being innovative, disruptive, and impactful.
We are pleased to partner with globally recognized scientists from one of the top academic institutes in the nation, UC San Diego. As our scientific research partner, we take leadership under Stephen Mayfield, Ph.D., Skip Pomeroy, Ph.D., and Chief Scientist, Mike Burkart, Ph.D.